Tuesday Jul 21, 2015
Isotonic and hypotonic fluids in paediatric practice
In this podcast Dr Nick Brown, global heath editor, talks to Dr Jess Morgan from Calderdale Royal Hospital, West Yorkshire and Dr Colin Powell from the Noah's Ark Childrens Hospital for Wales about the recent Archimedes question in ADC about intravenous maintenance fluids for children. This question, although not a global issue, is still a problem which affects many hospital doctors and the Archimedes article looks into hospitalised children requiring intravenous maintenance fluids (population), do isotonic solutions (intervention) compared with hypotonic solutions (comparison) reduce the risk of hyponatraemia (outcome)? Archidemes>> http://adc.bmj.com/content/100/7/715.full
Editorial>> http://adc.bmj.com/content/early/2015/07/10/archdischild-2015-308858.full