Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Archimedes May 2021. Mostly sick and steroids
Have you been faced with a vomiting child in the ED and wanted to make it stop? (Not the ED shift .. well maybe .. but vomiting?) This is the month for you. Our first question asks if we can give dex not pred for asthma attacks (https://adc.bmj.com/content/106/5/509), which is a bit easier as a single shot, and bit less puke-making, but is it as good against asthma? The second asks if we can safely give ondansetron to kids who have bumped their heads (https://adc.bmj.com/content/106/5/507.1) without masking significant problems … well … we’ll leave you to read or listen to find the answer to that. Something else that frequently makes folks feel sick is searching multiple electronic databases, so we’ve a few tips to avoid that sensation too. Non-pharmacological this time (https://adc.bmj.com/content/106/5/507.2).
Can this be the month when the plethora of ED stuff makes you want to submit an Archimedes about something too? From a hidden corner, where adoption, hepatology, neonates or renal medicine reigns? Do it. Follow our instructions and have fun.